Sacred Love – Marriage Conference


Sam and Jamie Kapu will be the keynote speakers for this conference.

They will be sharing from God’s Word and from their marriage, the Kapu’s will help strengthen further strong marriages and bring hope and healing to those that are going through hard times. Click for more info on Sam and Jaime Kapu.

The theme for this conference will be focused on these two words below.

Wili – Woven together. A true marriage of love and impact takes more than husband and wife, it takes the person of the Holy Spirit woven in with God’s aloha.

Honi – Kiss. He breathes life into us, we breathe life into each other.

Session 1 – THE CULTURE OF MARRIAGE: (Identity)

We will explore the Word of God to see what it really says about the role of a husband and a wife.

Session 2 – DEFINED BY HIS WORD (Individually gifted for one purpose) 2 disciples 1 calling. 

This will be a continuation of session 1. There are so many influences in our society that try and define marriage. Upbringing, social media, etc… But how does God’s word define what your marriage looks like? We give tools from the word of God to help marriages become rock solid.

Session 3 – Kalana/Ho’olohepono/Ho’opono tools for healing and maintaining your marriage.

Using the cultural practice of Ho’oponono, we see it as something very biblical and helpful in today’s conflict resolution, especially in marriage. We will go through the principles and biblical tools to equip couples for their journey of “forgiveness” and “listening righteously”.

Session 4 – Future hope, Future plan 

One of the best ways to exhibit the power of God, is to show him through a real life situation. I believe there is something about our story that will touch and even encourage people to not give up, but to hold on to God in tragedy and difficulty. He will never leave you or forsake you.

To register for this conference, please click here.