We are called to share the gospel of Jesus Christ as individual believers and as a church in word and deed. This means we will go into the world and evangelize as we go and we will be a community that shows the life-changing power of the gospel in our loving unity. Through traditional as well as innovative means, members will use their gifts and talents to create opportunities to lead others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Join the missions involvement team at Waialae Baptist. The team meets to brainstorm, coordinate, and review missions and outreach projects. Contact Stacy Hirano for more information or to be added to the email list.
Featured Website: SEND Relief Crisis Response
9 Keauhou Shelter Meal Prep 3:30 p.m. (during Superbowl)
16 Palolo Elementary School drop off day – Palolo School Flyer PDF
2 Missions Involvement Team meeting at noon (lunch provided)
2-9 North American Mission Board Offering/Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer
9 Keauhou Shelter Meal Prep 3:30 p.m.
23 Keauhou Shelter Meal Prep 3:30 p.m. (with Ola Nui)
29 Petrie Community Park clean up 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
13 Keauhou Shelter Meal Prep 3:30 p.m.
20 Resurrection Sunday
Other On-going Outreach & Missions Activities
- Prayer – if you would like to receive our weekly prayer list on Wednesdays, please contact the church office.
- Send relief to Maui
- Find out how you can help and pray for families displaced from Ukraine at Send Relief
- Help Mountain of Hope (Haiti)
- Give to the Waialae Baptist Church Missions/Ministry Fund and make a note that your donation is for Haiti or “Mountain of Hope” and we will forward 100% of your donation to Mountain of Hope.
- Sponsor a child for $30.00/month. Download the Sponsorship Form and fill it out. If you would like to see photos of children in need of sponsorship, please email stacy@waialaebaptist.com.
- Sponsor a college or graduate student. Email Dr. Norcilis at nprecois@yahoo.com.
For more information on any of these outreach and missions activities, please contact stacy@waialaebaptist.com.