2021 Worship Conference
by wbeditor
2021 Worship Conference
October 29, 2021 - October 30, 2021
6:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Dates: October 29, 2021 (7 pm – 9 pm) – October 30, 2021 (8:30 am-2:00 pm)
Location: Waialae Baptist Church (1047 21st Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816)
Speaker: Zac Hicks
Event Overview:
We’re all worshipers. We can’t help it. Everything we do in life is driven by worship. The question is, what are we worshiping? In a way, when God saves us, he is issuing a “factory recall” for broken worshipers: the allegiance of our hearts has been given over to all kinds of things other than God, and through Jesus, God calls us back to the only Object of worship that can truly fulfill the deepest longings of our heart. One could say that the entire Christian life is intended to be a life of worship. At this conference, we will learn, biblically and practically, what it means to be more earnest and wholehearted worshipers of God through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. We’ll talk about worship as a whole-life reality, and we’ll also spend considerable time exploring the meaning and power of gathered worship with God’s people. We will explore significant passages and themes from the Bible. Because we’re talking about worship, this conference is intended for everyone. It will be refreshing and meaningful for pastors, worship leaders, and all other worshipers alike.
Session 1: Worship as All of Life
Session 2: Worship and the Gospel
Session 3: Worship as a Weekly Gathering
Session 4: Worship as Encounter with God
Session 5: Worship and Spiritual Warfare
Session 6: Worship and Your Emotions
On Saturday (10/30), breakfast and lunch will be provided. During lunch, Zac Hicks will answer questions from conference participants. There is no charge to attend this event.
Event Keynote Speaker:
Zac Hicks (D.Min., Knox Theological Seminary) has been pastoring and leading worship for over two decades in churches all across the US—Hawaii, California, Colorado, Florida, and most recently Alabama. He is author of The Worship Pastor (Zondervan, 2016) and Worship By Faith Alone (IVP Academic, forthcoming). He has lectured and taught courses in many colleges and seminaries, including Baylor University, Samford University, Denver Seminary, Beeson Divinity School, Knox Seminary, Trinity International University, Belmont University, Trinity School for Ministry, University of Mobile, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Southern Wesleyan University. A songwriter and producer, Zac’s music is streaming everywhere. Zac’s passions include the intersection of old and new in worship, the pastoral dimensions of worship leading, and recovering the gospel-centered theology of the Reformation for the sake of worship renewal. Zac has been married to his wife, Abby, for over twenty years, and they have four kids: Joel, Jesse, Brody, and Bronwyn.
For all questions and inquiries regarding the event please contact us at info@waterhouselecture.org or (808) 732-5561.
Venue: Wai'alae Baptist Church
Venue Phone: 808-732-5561
Venue Website: http://www.waialaebaptist.org
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