Event Overview:
Dates: Feb. 18, 2022, 6pm – 9:15 pm (Registration begins at 5:30 PM) to Feb. 19, 2022, 7:30 am-1:00 pm (Registration begins at 7 AM)
Location: The Prince Waikiki (100 Holomoana St, Honolulu, HI 96815)
*Online livestream option available at registration
*Dedicated childcare services provided. Please contact Christopher@waialaebaptist.com or Chey@waialaebaptist.com for details and registration.
Sure—you’re totally committed to love and honor your spouse ‘til death do you part. But the routine of jobs, kids, chores, and other commitments can overshadow the romance and passion in any marriage. This can leave spouses feeling disconnected, disillusioned, and alone. With the help of Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley, during the Resist the Drift marriage conference you’ll learn how couples slowly fade into roommate behavior and you’ll discover how to…
• Rekindle passion
• Reawaken fun
• Refresh love
• Revitalize intimacy and
• Reconnect to your soulmate
Event Sessions:
- Bids for Connection — Your spouse wants to connect. Are you paying attention? Learn how your spouse asks for your time and attention and then learn how to properly respond to their requests.
- Fully Alive — What brings you rest? What brings you life? Are you taking care of yourself so you can better care for your spouse?
- Close Pursuit — Spending as little as 10 minutes a day in intentional conversation can help you rediscover the person you married.
- Safe & Secure — Is your marriage the safest place on earth? How to open your heart and create a safe marriage for your spouse.
- In Our Wildest Dreams — What’s on your bucket list? What is God calling you to do? How a shared purpose can draw you closer together as a couple.
On February 18-19, 2022, Alec and Belle Waterhouse Lecture Series will be hosting five sessions over a two-day period at the Prince Waikiki in Honolulu. During this time, you will laugh together and learn powerful tools that can instantly help you move from “roommates” to “soulmates” in your marriage.
Below is the registration fee schedule:
Proof of vaccination or negative tests required by Prince Waikiki
To comply with governmental COVID regulations, the Prince Waikiki requires that all marriage conference attendees vendors, and volunteers 12 years old and older, submit EITHER
• A photo of their vaccination card with at least two shots for Moderna and Pfizer or one shot for Johnson and Johnson. Boosters are NOT required. OR
• A photo of their results of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 48 hours of the event. Home tests ARE acceptable.
If this information is not submitted by 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 18, you will not be able to participate in the marriage conference in person. If you do not want to share this information, let us know by Feb. 14 and we will refund your registration fee. You will be able to view the conference online.
To submit this information to the Prince Waikiki, use THIS FORM to provide your name, phone number, address, and copy of your vaccination card or test results.
Submit this information to the Prince Waikiki via
• Email: alecandbelle@princewaikiki.com This is a secure email that the Prince set up just for our event. Only four Prince employees will have access to this address.
• FAX: (808) 943-4158. Please note that the Prince Waikiki fax machine is located in a common area in their offices that all employees can access. If you choose to fax your information, do so between Monday – Friday 6 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Do not send your vaccination card or test results to Waialae Baptist Church or the Waterhouse Lecture Series. We will not collect nor transmit this information to the hotel.
4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 18 is the deadline for submitting this information.
Please do not attend the event if you do not submit your vaccination card or negative tests results. We are all there as guests of the Prince Waikiki.
Event Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Greg Smalley serves as the vice president of Marriage at Focus on the Family, and Erin Smalley serves as the strategic spokesperson for Focus on the Family’s marriage ministry.
The Smalleys develop and oversee initiatives that prepare individuals for marriage, strengthen and nurture existing marriages, and help couples in marital crises. They co-host the Focus on Marriage podcast and have authored or co-authored many books including Reconnected and Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage.
Greg has a doctorate in psychology from the Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University in Southern California and a counseling degree from Denver Seminary. Erin is a licensed professional counselor with a private practice (Smalley Marriage).
Married since 1992, the Smalleys have been blessed as parents of four children.
For all questions and inquiries please contact us at info@waterhouselecture.org or (808) 732-5561 option 1